Worry Less, Live More (Genre: Life)

In today's time, when there's a rush in your life all the time, you wish if only you had more personal time, more leisure time and fewer worries and pains. Even though this is an attainable goal it will not happen unless you step out of the mundane and ask yourself a few questions to live the way you feel it is right, now and every day. Living your life every day, making it easier every moment, that is the way to ensure a smooth existence.

With increased competition and never-ending human desires and urges comes a natural pressure on oneself for greater work demand, less available time, stress, tension and less family time. It is this that makes one think up that the goal should be to find a decent work-life balance, enjoy life and contribute socially towards building a better community. This is achievable only if we, besides having a healthy attitude, outlook and desire to be better, possess a clear understanding of how this can be attained.

Foremost in this should be our desire to do only that is needed and stop looking for unnecessary work just to look busy so that others may think we are working hard. We should bear in mind that we have to live for ourselves foremost and not others while we may be social and well-integrated. To do away with the unnecessary is the number one prerequisite.

Having a healthy diet, more specifically a vegetarian or vegan, some kind of exercise as often as we can, helping in household chores which is a big destresser itself and using one's expertise in helping others free is a big boost to one's general mental make-up and happiness. If you have to worry less, you should have a great way of saving time, possess balance, have a sense of duty towards others and a general sense of feeling that you are doing the right making someone else's life better.

You live more if your happiness quotient improves, your worries and tensions reduce. Delegate work, make each member of your office and family accountable, reach out to others and share your feelings and passions. Seek help whenever you need and do not hoard false expectations. In the end, all that will matter is how you have lived and what you stood for and why. A good life devoid of worries is one where you may not be able to banish them from your life but are able to manage them well.

A good goal to live more, live well is to have a disciplined life even if it has a lot of comforts. The age-old dictum of early to bed and early to rise is correct and should be the basis of our own lives. Having a good sleep and good food with a healthy disposition goes a long way in making us feel right and cheerful and thereby productive. It is our will to cut on our worries and adopt a lifestyle that is healthy, time-saving and productive that will make us feel we are living a fulfilling life.

To have lived a simple yet productive, easy yet helping life should be our goal. In today's time, we are lucky that a lot of technological advancements have made our lives much better than what it used to be. To have access to these now is not a luxury but a need. Being tech-savvy is then an advantage. Get others to reach for you or render you advise in times of need. Be polite, friendly, meaningful and crisp in your conversations and deliberations. Never harm anyone's reputation, backstab or backbite or disrespect anyone's feelings. Learn to respect the opinion of others however disinteresting it may appear to you at first.

In the end, remember that managing your time and work will decide how much you worry and how you live.
